IDFA Online Learning

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Divorce Financial Planning - Self Study
This includes the Divorce Financial Planning Textbook, an exam Voucher, and two full Practice Exams. Pricing includes $15.00 shipping for textbook.

Divorce Financial Planning Textbook
This is a hard copy of the text materials for the Divorce Financial Planning program. It is designed to prepare you as an expert on the financial aspects of divorce. The role of a CDFA professional is to address the special financial issues of divorce with data to help achieve equitable settlements. The price includes a $15.00 shipping fee.

CDFA Candidate Handbook
In this guide, you will find information to help you as you study to become a CDFA professional. Please take time to read this guide thoroughly, as it will provide information on the expectations and responsibilities as a CDFA candidate, and the examination process.

Marketing Your CDFA Practice
How do you start to market your divorce planning practice? We’ve curated the most useful, practical strategies help you to create a thriving, profitable, and highly satisfying new business. From marketing ideas, to practice management tips, our Marketing Guide has it all.

Quick-Start Guide to Divorce Financial Planning
We’ve curated the most useful, practical resources in the divorce financial planning industry to help professionals in their work. From specific forms used in divorce proceedings, to a detailed state-by-state list of networking groups, our Quick-Start Guide has it all.

CDFA Getting Started Guide
In this guide, you will find information to help you as you get started with your CDFA practice. Please take time to read this guide thoroughly, as it will provide information on the expectations, responsibilities, and opportunities associated with your CDFA designation.
A Look at the Niche: CDFA State of the Profession: 2021
Review and download the results from the annual CDFA State of the Profession Survey.

A Look at the Niche: CDFA State of the Profession: 2018
Review and download the results from the annual CDFA State of the Profession Survey.

A Look at the Niche: CDFA State of the Profession: 2017
Review and download the results from the annual CDFA State of the Profession Survey.
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