Practice Management: E & O Insurance for CDFA professionals

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Recorded On: 11/07/2023

In this presentation, we will be reviewing how to review and choose insurance as a CDFA. We will be talking about a broad view if Professional Liability coverage and then digging into specific situations that CDFA’s may encounter. We will outline the specific types of risks CDFA’s come up against and ways to approach them. We will also make sure there is ample time for questions and answers.

Chad Ramberg


Box Professional Insurance

Chad is the President of Box Professional Insurance. He spent the first decades of his career in leadership positions on the claims side of insurance services. When that season of his career was wrapping up, he decided to use his financial acumen to become a Registered Investment Advisor. He worked as an advisor just long enough to gain a healthy respect for the day-to-day challenges you face every day. Shifting gears a bit, Chad found he could support financial institutions with risk management decisions. He found many advisory firms struggle to find an insurance broker who understands their business. Therefore he created Box Professional Insurance to serve the advisory community exclusively. With the expertise of Box Professional advisors get the business coverage they need, so they have the peace of mind they want.


Recording: Practice Management - E & O Insurance for CDFA professionals
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