Personal Finances and Matrimonial Standard of Living

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Recorded On: 05/07/2019

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What is the Marital Standard of Living (MSOL) and how is it being calculated? The MSOL is one piece that is being considered to determine permanent spousal support. Often the post-divorce MSOL will be different from the pre-divorce MSOL, as supporting two households is more expensive than supporting one household. When calculating the MSOL, two approaches can be followed:

  • When focusing on income, we can calculate the cash available for living expenses. This approach is faster and less expensive to perform and does not consider many expensive items.
  • When focusing on expenses, we focus on the actual spending of the parties. This approach assigns actual expenses to the parties spending habits but is very expensive and time-consuming.

Michael Philipp


Michael is the founder of Valuation Consulting Group LLC, a Colorado Public Accounting firm that specializes in business valuations and litigation support services in Grand Junction, Colorado. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Colorado Society of CPAs, the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts, and the Institute of Divorce Financial Analysts. 


Personal Finances and Matrimonial Standard of Living
Recorded 05/07/2019
Recorded 05/07/2019
CE Credit and Certificate
1.00 CE credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CE credit  |  Certificate available You must watch the session recording for a minimum of 50 minutes to receive CDFA CE credit.