Lifestyle Analytics

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Recorded On: 05/08/2019

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Lifestyle Analytics is not just for the Lifestyles of The Rich and Famous. This session will apply to even middle-class cases when applied correctly and you do not have to be a CPA Forensic Accountant to prepare one. In fact, I believe a CDFA® professional with a more traditional financial planning background may be more qualified to prepare a lifestyle analysis than a traditional forensic accountant. Learn why and how to convince attorneys I am right and get the referrals.

The session will first provide an overview of concepts supporting Lifestyle Analytics and examples of application from precedent cases and family code. Second, we will delve into strategic uses and how a CDFA can advocate for the use of the strategy in casework. Third, we will show you the tools we at Wellspring Divorce Advisors use to prepare Lifestyle Analytics and how to do it yourself when back in the office.

Justin A. Reckers


Justin A. Reckers is the Chief Executive Officer of WellSpring Divorce Advisors, and the lead Financial Advisor at Fonte Financial Advisors, a Member of Advisory Services Network, LLC. Wellspring Divorce Advisors continues to expand through recent office openings in San Francisco Bay area, Denver, New York and affiliate offices in Boston and Columbus, Ohio.

Fonte Financial Advisors provides comprehensive wealth management services with a focus on lifestyle management and investment advice for those navigating transitions and beyond. Our most common engagements include post-divorce and strategic retirement planning.

Justin is a graduate of The Ohio State University, a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®. He is a former board member of The Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts, Collaborative Practice California and the Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego. Justin is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Pacific South Coast Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.


Lifestyle Analytics
Recorded 05/08/2019
Recorded 05/08/2019
CE Credit and Certificate
1.00 CE credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CE credit  |  Certificate available You must watch the session recording for a minimum of 50 minutes to receive CDFA CE credit.