Criminal Divorces

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Recorded On: 05/07/2019

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Divorce can be especially difficult when one of the partners may have or is continuing to pursue criminal acts. Criminal behavior may be known by the spouse or it may come as a complete surprise, thereby causing the partners to split up. In this conference session, we will dig deep into how to recognize criminal behavior. We will discuss the warning signs, red flags and distress signals being sent by clients that indicate extra scrutiny may be needed to determine any extent of criminality. Lastly, I will share my experiences with criminal divorces and their outcomes.

Peggy Tracy


Peggy has been the sole owner of Priority Planning, a tax preparation and financial services practice, since 1986. She added her divorce planning business in 2003. A Certified Fraud Examiner and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® professional, she focuses on assisting divorcing clients with financial matters, including a specialization in forensic accounting and fraud examination. She has testified in court on behalf of her clients, and has conducted more than 100 marital fraud investigations.


Criminal Divorces
Recorded 05/07/2019
Recorded 05/07/2019
CE Credit and Certificate
1.00 CE credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CE credit  |  Certificate available You must watch the session recording for a minimum of 50 minutes to receive CDFA CE credit.