IDFA Online Learning
2024 IDFA National Conference Day Pass - May 8
- Non-member - $395
- Member - $295
Join us for our annual event featuring a broad range of topics beneficial for new CDFA professionals and those that have been practicing for more than ten years.
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations received up to one month before the conference are refundable, minus a $100 registration service charge. After that, cancellations are subject to the entire fee, which you may apply toward a future conference or workshop. Please note: if you don’t cancel and don’t attend, you are still responsible for payment. Substitutions may be made at any time.
For more information regarding refund, complaint, and/or program cancellation policies, please contact our office at 1-800-875-1760 or email us at support@institutedfa.com.
This package grants access to the May 8 sessions for the 2024 IDFA National Conference (excluding the post-conference sessions). Register for the pre and post-conference sessions here for additional CE credit!
- Authentic Intelligence, with Susan Bradley, CFP, CeFT
- Decoding Tax Returns and Understanding Various Tax Credits in Divorce, with Jason Llewellyn, CDFA, CPA and Mark Hildebrand
Please note that the conference is live and in-person in Nashville, Tennessee. All schedules shown in the conference agenda are in central standard.
Includes Credits Recorded On: 05/08/2024
- Overview of Peak 65 and Divorce Demographics - How the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Has Changed - Consumer Safeguards and the 4 “Nevers” - FHA Borrower Counseling - Underwriting that Ensures Sustainable Solutions - New Protections for Younger Spouses - What Happens at Loan’s End? - The Distribution Options - Lump Sum “Buy-Out the Other Side” - Tenure Payment “Mom Can Stay in the House Due to Improved Cash Flow” - Line of Credit “Supporting Future Needs, ex. LTC, After Portfolio Has Been Split” - Lifestyle Home Loan “Like Paying Cash for New Home with No Payments” - Case Studies in Gray Divorce - Conclusion
Includes Credits Recorded On: 05/08/2024
Learning Objectives: - Reviewing both individual and corporate tax returns for items relevant to divorce proceedings. - Discussion of income items relevant for child support calculations. - Review of tax deductions/credits that impact newly divorced individuals.
Includes Credits Recorded On: 05/08/2024
Authentic Intelligence is the new AI for financial planning, it is the unification of the human and the technical sides of money. The other AI, Artificial Intelligence, is here to stay with many benefits but it is incomplete without the human side. This session focuses on the measurable difference the new AI can make for client’s in transition and three things you can do to consistently deliver an elevated experience for both you and your clients.