IDFA 2021 Pre-Conference Recorded Sessions

IDFA 2021 Pre-Conference Recorded Sessions

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The preconference sessions are “How To Jump Start Your CDFA Practice” by Nancy Hetrick CDFA®, AWMA®, MAFF®. The information packed session will provide you actionable steps to market your practice and see the return on investment you envisioned when you initially got your CDFA designation.

The second preconference session is “Dissecting the Issues that Drive the Analysis” with Karen Sparks, J.D., CDFA®. Join Karen as she leads an extensive case study based on her practice and real life experiences, Takeaways include: Tools and processes for client analysis, identifying the key issues and developing the analysis roadmap.

  • Includes Credits Recorded On: 09/10/2021

    This extended session will take a deep-dive into developing a successful niche divorce practice on a shoestring budget in record time. Approved for three and one half (3.5) hours of CDFA Continuing Education credit. This workshop is NOT included in the conference purchase price and must be purchased separately. All times are EASTERN

  • Includes Credits Recorded On: 09/16/2021

    A client hires you as their CDFA. As you begin your analysis, the client fact pattern exposes issues that are going to be more challenging than you originally anticipated and now you are asking yourself the question, “What do I do now?” This pre-conference workshop will be a hands on, interactive case study intensive session designed to help CDFA professionals answer this question and master the divorce finance analysis for their client scenarios.