IDFA Online Learning
Separate Property Tracing
Recorded On: 09/29/2022
As we work through our case study, this session will teach how to determine what's separate property, what's not, and what's in that dreaded grey area and how do we deal with it. In addition we'll explore what is considered an asset and what is considered income available for support. As a bonus, we'll also talk about pre-marital portions of retirement accounts and how to unwind the separate property.
Approved for one (1) hour of CDFA Continuing Education Credit

Nancy Hetrick
Founder and CEO of the Divorce Financial Planner Training Center
Nancy has been a financial advisor and planner since 1999 and specialized as a Divorce Financial Planner in her company, Smarter Divorce Solutions from 2011 to 2024. In 2016, Nancy founded the Divorce Financial Planner Training Center to offer continuing education to CDFA® holders nationwide. She’s also a financial planner with Strategic Portfolio Solutions.
Nancy is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA®), and is trained in both mediation and Collaborative Divorce. Nancy was the 2024 Chair of the Board for the Institute of Divorce Financial Analysts and was also a board member in 2014, 2023 and 2025. She was the 2023 President of the Collaborative Professionals of Phoenix and a prior board member 2017-2019 and 2024. She was the Finance Director for the National Association of Women Business Owners, 2014 and 2015, the 2015 NAWBO Business Owner of the Year, the 2014 Finalist in the BBB Business Ethics Awards,
She is the author of “Divorce Financial Planning; Building a Successful Niche Business”, Divorce Is Not For Dummies; How To Cover Your Assets and the co-author of The Stress-Free Divorce, Volume 2.
Her articles have been published in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, U.S.News, Barron’s, CNBC, InvestmentNews, Huffington Post, DivorcedMoms.com, and she was the featured advisor in Morningstar Magazine.
In her free time, she enjoys hiking, riding motorcycles, and spending time with her 4 children and 6 grandchildren.